
Become a Translator

Are you fluent in a language other than English?

Font Library needs your help! We have created a tool set that will allow registered members to help internationalize the site. We're ready to pull back the curtain and invite you to join in the effort, so if you'd like to become a translator, here's how.

Sign up for Font Library

Register an account (if you haven't already).

Email Us

Send over an email to telling us your interest in upgrading your account to Translator. (Make sure to include your OFLB username in your message.) Once we have you set up we'll write you asap.

Start Translating

Read over our How To Translate the Site and jump in!

Adding a language?

If there's a new language you'd like to see, please send us correct translations of these terms first. Then we'll help you move on to the rest of the site.

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