
Related Projects

Other Collections, Catalogs, Directorys or Lists of Libre/Open Fonts

The FSF Free Software Directory has begun to list Libre/Open Fonts.
Submit others using this form
Arabeyes collects Arabic Fonts
Unifont is Ed Trager's collection of Libre/Open fonts with wide Unicode support

Design and Development Feedback Communities

The Typophile community sports regular posts from type design superstars
The TypeStudents forum is a place like Typophile but specifically for students, and is especially free software friendly

Type Encyclopedias

The Typosium is a very new project to create "an open user feedback system," a kind of Wikipedia of typefaces
ScriptSource is a very new (as of Feb 2007) project to also create "an online reference to the writing systems of the world" (Victor Gaultney proposed this at ATYpI 2006 Lisbon)
OpenTypology is a very new project to create free documentation for the OpenType font format


The TypeCulture Academic Resources provide educational information on typeface design The DecodeUnicode project is under some CC license and does something with Unicode.