
Font Categorisation

Font Categorisation

  • Based on: Font on which it is based on, if any (example: Bitstream Vera)
  • Ranges: Unicode group ranges (like Latin, Greek, Greek Extended)
  • OpenType layout tables: (like Latin, Cyrillic, Devanagari)
  • Font Family: (like Serif, Sans Serif)
  • Font Styles: (like Roman, Oblique, Bold, BoldOblique)
  • License: (like shareware, public domain, Open Font License, GPL)
  • Sample image: PNG format, we need sample phrases for basic Unicode ranges.

Something similar to the PANOSE system could be used, and there is original but unused research by Catherine Dixon in her PhD from the Central St Martins college in London.


  • I am not sure if there are any non-Unicode fonts that are usable today. I would prefer to dump/rubbish non-Unicode fonts, or just convert to Unicode.
  • The above list was inspired by [1]
  • Sample images can be created with OpenOffice.org, then screenshot to PNG.
  • Sample images can also be created with LASi C