
Book Recommendations

A recommended list of books that describe fonts, type design, etc.

Computers & Typography 1 and 2 by Rosemary Sassoo
Counterpunch: making type in the sixteenth century, designing typefaces now by Fred Smeijers
The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst
Fonts & Encodings by Yannis Haralambous (translation by P. Scott Horne, Fontes et codages is the French original)
Letters of Credit: A View of Type Design by Walter Tracy (old time head of Linotype's drawing office)
Modern Typography: an essay in critical history by Robin Kinross
The Stroke: Theory of Writing by Gerritt Noordzij
Thinking with Type by Ellen Lupton
Texts on Type: Critical Writings on Typography by Steven Heller and Philip Meggs


Language Culture Type: international type design in the age of Unicode edited by John D. Berry, designed by Maxim Zhukov, and published by Graphis - good essays on complex scripts including Cyrillic.
Book of Letters From Аа to Яя by Yuri Gordon - an excellent book on type design for the Cyrillic script.
Other great Cyrllic resources include the first edition of "Typography Papers" published by the University of Reading's Department of Typography and Paratype's "Digital Typefaces" Catalogue

External Links

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