- 5by7
- Peter Wiegel
- 2 stili
- Andika
- SIL International
- 4 stili
- Asap
- Pablo Cosgaya
- 6 stili
- Bagnard
- Sebastien Sanfilippo
- 1 stile
- Bagnard Sans
- Sebastien Sanfilippo, Doug Thomas, Chris Fodge, May Kim
- 1 stile
- Bahiana
- Pablo Cosgaya & Dani Raskovsky
- 1 stile
- Barrio
- Pablo Cosgaya & Sergio Jiménez
- 1 stile
- Basic
- Magnus Gaarde
- 1 stile
- Cabin
- Pablo Impallari. Igino Marini.
- 8 stili
- Charis
- SIL International
- 4 stili
- Chivo
- Omnibus-Type
- 8 stili
- Comme
- newtypography
- 9 stili
- Cotham
- Sebastien Sanfilippo
- 1 stile
- Dauphine
- Stéphanie Vilayphiou & Alexandre Leray, Coline Sunier & Charles Mazé
- 1 stile
- David Libre
- Monotype Imaging Inc. & SIL International
- 3 stili
- Dosis
- EdgarTolentino, PabloImpallari, IginoMarini
- 7 stili
- Doulos
- SIL International
- 1 stile
- Exo
- Natanael Gama
- 18 stili
- Exo 2
- Natanael Gama
- 18 stili
- Ezra
- Development by SIL's NRSI team.
- 2 stili
- Galatia
- Development by SIL's NRSI team
- 2 stili
- Go
- Bigelow & Holmes Inc.
- 6 stili
- Go Mono
- Bigelow & Holmes Inc.
- 4 stili
- Hermeneus
- Pablo Impallari, Rodrigo Fuenzalida
- 1 stile
- Inconsolata
- Raph Levien, Kirill Tkachev (
- 2 stili
- Jaldi
- Omnibus-Type
- 2 stili
- Lato
- tyPoland Lukasz Dziedzic
- 18 stili
- Monoid
- Andreas Larsen (@larsenwork)
- 4 stili
- Nuosu
- SIL International
- 1 stile
- Quattrocento
- Pablo Impallari. Igino Marini.
- 2 stili
- Racing Sans
- Pablo Impallari, Rodrigo Fuenzalida
- 1 stile
- Raleway
- Matt McInerney, Pablo Impallari, Rodrigo Fuenzalida
- 18 stili
- Raleway Dots
- Matt McInerney, Pablo Impallari, Rodrigo Fuenzalida, Brenda Gallo
- 1 stile
- Ranchers
- Pablo Impallari, Brenda Gallo
- 1 stile
- Rubik
- Hubert & Fischer
- 12 stili
- Sniglet
- Haley Fiege, Pablo Impallari, Brenda Gallo
- 2 stili
- Unna
- Omnibus-Type
- 4 stili
- Vegur
- Sora Sagano
- 3 stili
- XITS Math
- MicroPress Inc., with final additions and corrections provided by Coen Hoffman, Elsevier (retired)
- 6 stili