Lenka stabilo

Lenka stabilo

  • Heavy boxes perform quick waltzes and jigs
  • TrueType
Somehow, although he is the smallest office boy around the place, none of the other lads pick on him. Scuffling and fighting almost has ceased since Kerensky came to work. That's only one of the nicknames of Leo Kobreen, and was assigned to him because of a considerable facial resemblance to the perpetually fleeing Russian statesman, and, too, because both wore quite formal standing collars. Somehow, although he is the smallest office boy around the place, none of the other lads pick on him. Scuffling and fighting almost has ceased since Kerensky came to work. That's only one of the nicknames of Leo Kobreen, and was assigned to him because of a considerable facial resemblance to the perpetually fleeing Russian statesman, and, too, because both wore quite formal standing collars.


A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ . , ? ! ' " " ( ) *

GNU General Public License
Lenka stabilo
Please note: Lenka stabilo is a first bit of hopefully bigger family and still kind of in process of making. It now includes the basic character set in upper and lower case + czech diacritics I sincerely hope to get more done soon. It is carefully based on handwritten characters and the illusion of my own handwriting is pretty true so I wanted to ask everybody who will ever want to use this: enjoy and please be considerate. Also if you use Lenka, please send me your work so I can see how the font is doing :) as well as the city you live in, so I can map a bit how the work spreads. Thanks! xxx Lenka pencil, Lenka ink and Lenka marker hopefully soon to come.
Full Language Support
Basic Latin, Euro


To use this font in your website add the following code to the head of your html page:

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="https://fontlibrary.org//face/lenka-stabilo" type="text/css"/>

Now you can use this font in your css file. Here is an example of a paragraph set in Lenka stabilo.

p {
   font-family: 'Lenkastabilo';
   font-weight: normal;
   font-style: normal;

If you are interested in working on Lenka stabilo, please read our guide on how to contribute to an existing font.


  • Lenka stabilo ถูกบันทึกโดย Lenka 4486 วันที่ผ่านมา


