Cerca Language : Catalan
- Fira Code
- Carrois Corporate, Edenspiekermann AG, Nikita Prokopov
- 5 stili
- Unna
- Omnibus-Type
- 4 stili
- Plata Sans
- Pablo Impallari, Andres Torresi, & Cristiano Sobral
- 18 stili
- Nice
- Future Soft Egypt.
- 1 stile
- Corbi Mono S
- Khaled Hosny and Cristiano Sobral for the slashed zero
- 1 stile
- Round Style
- Wojciech Kalinowski "wmk69" (wmk69@o2.pl)
- 4 stili
- Cheyenne Sans Novus
- Public Sans Fonts by the Public Sans project authors (U.S. Web Design System). Libre Franklin designed by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo Fuenzalida. Main changes by Cristiano Sobral
- 18 stili