Nick's Font

Nicks Font Regular

  • Schwarzkopf vexed Iraq big-time in July.
  • TrueType
Somehow, although he is the smallest office boy around the place, none of the other lads pick on him. Scuffling and fighting almost has ceased since Kerensky came to work. That's only one of the nicknames of Leo Kobreen, and was assigned to him because of a considerable facial resemblance to the perpetually fleeing Russian statesman, and, too, because both wore quite formal standing collars. Somehow, although he is the smallest office boy around the place, none of the other lads pick on him. Scuffling and fighting almost has ceased since Kerensky came to work. That's only one of the nicknames of Leo Kobreen, and was assigned to him because of a considerable facial resemblance to the perpetually fleeing Russian statesman, and, too, because both wore quite formal standing collars.

Basic Latin

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 & @ . , ? ! ' " " ( ) *

OFL (SIL Open Font License)
Nick's Font
My own handwriting. Amusingly, it seems all too frequently to be mistaken for a lady's hand. Make of that what you will. Includes English and Greek (including Ancient Egyptian) letters. May later be expanded to include Russian as well. For historical accuracy (i.e. using this font in a novel to simulate handwriting), this was written with a felt-tip, so don't use it in anything set approximately pre-1950. It does, however, have a "long s" character where the regular s would usually be; the regular s is on pipe (the | character, Shift+Backslash on an American keyboard). This is a usual feature of my handwriting, so it's included in the font too. If you want to use the long s, note: never at the end of a word. So "missions" is to be written "mission|".
Support linguistique complet
Basic Latin, Euro
Support linguistique partiel
Basic Greek 94% Glyphs manquants U+0390 (ΐ), U+03aa (Ϊ), U+03ab (Ϋ), U+03b0 (ΰ)

Utilisez cette police

Pour utiliser cette police sur votre site web, insérez le code suivant dans la partie HEAD de votre page HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="" type="text/css"/>

Now you can use this font in your css file. Here is an example of a paragraph set in Nicks Font Regular.

p {
   font-family: 'NicksFontRegular';
   font-weight: normal;
   font-style: normal;

If you are interested in working on Nick's Font, please read our guide on how to contribute to an existing font.

À propos

  • Nick's Font a été ajouté par Nick Matavka il y a 3797 jours


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