FONTLOG Nobile, by Vernon Adams ========================================================== This file provides detailed information on the Nobile font family. This information should be distributed along with the Nobile fonts and any derivative works. Basic Font Information ---------------------- Nobile is designed to work with the technologies of digital screens and handheld devices without losing the distinctive look more usually found in fonts designed for printing. Going back to William Morris's baseline "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful", the aim was to design a font that could function well, have good legibility on screen yet also be good loooking, not only at larger display sizes but also right down to small text sizes. Known Problems -------------- None yet! ChangeLog --------- (This should list both major and minor changes, most recent first.) 9 May 2010 (Vernon Adams) Nobile version 1.0 - First public release Information for Developers/Contributors --------------------------------------- The Google Font Directory is the canonical home for this font: Please see for details. Acknowledgements ---------------- (Here is where contributors can be acknowledged. If you make modifications be sure to add your name (N), email (E), web-address (W) and description (D). This list is sorted by last name in alphabetical order.) N: Vernon Adams E: W: D: Original Designer Character Range Coverage ------------------------ Latin-1